Alex Becker – The Black File Course

Alex Becker - The Black File Course

SO…you’re actually making money with your online biz…& after getting a taste of it, you want more… Are you ready for the Big Leagues?If so then Alex Becker’s Black File might just be the course for you.It cuts through the clutter & drops you right smack into the world of Big Ticket Upsells.Before we go any further, I feel like I should show you my cards – full disclosurThat’s right, this is an honest, unbiased & totally fair review – Based purely on my fantastic observational skills & my certificate in 101 ways to spot a scam.I’m just kidding about the certificate (…it’s actually a diploma…)

PLEASE NOTE: I am in no way affiliated with Alex Becker or any of the other courses or creators I might mention in this review.

THIS MEANS: You get an honest review without me getting paid to say nice things.

SO, who am I? Good question… & as much as I would love to answer that, I’m pretty sure none of you signed up for a 3hr debate on if you can ever truly know yourself…For now, let’s go with Ippei. That’s my name. Hello!

I’ve got a few good years & a good few multi figured online businesses under my belt… figured that should give me a leg to stand on when giving you lot some advice & on that note, how about we get started & see if The Black File turns you into a major league player… or if it gets given the Yellow Card.

1. What is The Black File? 

The Black File is a 6-week online program with one goal in mind… The brutal mastery of Paid Advertising & scaling.

Alex will extensively focus on HOW to get advertising traffic to convert
During this course Alex gives out most of his own ads & landing pages. Yes, the actual ones he uses himself… You know the ones he’s used to create some serious wealth with… yeah, those!

This course works a bit differently than your usual ones.

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll get instant access to the first phases of the program. This will show you the overall process & get you started building your advertising system & incorporating these into your business.

The final phases will be delivered to you…

Wait what? Oh yeah, you’ll get a physical flash drive with the final 2 phases on. How’s that for keeping your formula secrets?

  • PHASE 1
  • PHASE 2
  • PHASE 3
  • PHASE 4

Phase 1: Structuring Front End Offer

The first step to achieving mass scaled advertising is knowing how to use your front end offers to pay for ad costs… while simultaneously delivering 3-5 x ROI as a bonus.
Imagine being able to get 2,000-3,000 new targeted email leads a day…
…Now imagine getting paid for each of those…

This is what you’ll get in Phase 1:
– The exact type of offers to sell as your front end
– The exact landing pages & ads to massively ups the opt in rate
– Copy & paste cold traffic sales templates that work with any niche
– Alex’s high converting slides template – he uses it in every new pitch
– Testing your offers & improving them before cold traffic
– Long Term conversion of cold traffic
– Creating offers you can scale for years to come
– Alex’s blueprint for the exact funnels used to double his sales

2. Who is Alex Becker? 

Alex Becker is probably the best-looking Marketer On the Planet (or so I’ve been told by female colleagues). Anyway, putting his apparent good looks aside, he’s actually a very successful online/tech entrepreneur.

Known for his popular straight shooting YouTube videos, Shopify training program, as well as his best-selling book “The Ten Pillars of Wealth”
Alex is currently the CEO of Hyros software company.

3. How Does Paid Advertising Work?

Digital marketing: Any marketing that uses electronic devices to convey promotional messaging and measure its impact

Paid advertising is a form of Digital Marketing & is basically any type of advertising you need to pay for…
…probably why it’s called Paid Advertising

With paid advertising, marketers pay the owner of ad space in exchange for use of that space. The price paid for the ad space is often settled through a bidding process between marketers and the ad space owner.
There are several categories, including pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-impression (PPI), & display ads.

Efficient digital marketing campaigns capitalize on all channels for advertising. Although paid advertising costs more than opposed to owned or earned advertising, paid forms of advertising are an efficient way to expose your company’s name to a broad audience.

4. Is The Black File Legit or a Scam?

A few years back, Mr. Minimalistic use to be rather flashy with his Lambos…combined that with numerous products & courses launched over the years – some better than others… you understand why the following comes up when searching his name.

Alex is very slick with his webinar funnels…with some white lies like his favorite one – The Scarcity Tactics. Those familiar with Dropshipping should know this one very well…

It’s basically where “this course will only be available if you sign up today” & then still finding it months or years down the line.

His “live webinars” when it’s clearly not is another great example.

The truth is, most marketers out there use the same tactics… haters gonna hate. 

Alex’s products are mostly rock-solid. Some certainly could improve, as all things could…but the basis to create your own online business is there.
In my honest option: Alex isn’t a scam artist.

I get why many would claim such harsh words for him… But he’s all grown up now. Shedding his once flashy look-at-me image for a seriously selective & highly profitable company… 

Plus & he’s funny AF (Go watch some of his YouTube Video’s & you’ll get what I’m saying)

5. How much does Alex’s Black File Course Cost? Any Specials?

Although The Black File is not cheap, it’s also not the most expensive course out there.

That being said, because it’s a very specialized course that will only appeal to a select few, I think it’s fairly priced.

Currently the price tag is standing at $697 once off or 4 payments of $199 each.

See below for the list of benefits as per site page.

Pros of The Black File

6. ROI Campaigns in Their Entirety

You literally go inside Alex’s own ad accounts & review his $5,000-$12,000 3-5x ROI campaigns in their entirety.

Alex basically uses his actual accounts as case study that you will be learning from with pros & cons of each strategy explained & results are shown.

Plus, they have a fantastic 30-day full refund policy with no catches. So, even if you find that it’s really not the course for you then you can get your money back…

It’s a win-win guys & gals. 

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