Black Hat USA Course

Black Hat USA  Course

As the world gears up for the imminent arrival of 5G technology, the future looks bright and full of promise. The early adopters have already conducted successful test deployments and market adoption is on the rise. Operators are eagerly preparing for a massive rollout, eager to take advantage of the cutting-edge technology.
But with great power comes great responsibility, and the security of 5G networks is a key concern for both telecom and security professionals. That’s where the 5G Training Session (Attacking and Defense for 5G), comes in, providing a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts and implementation of 5G architectures, as well as the potential risks associated with this exciting new technology. Don’t get left behind in the 5G revolution – join us for this essential training session!
The rise of 5G networks is set to unlock a new world of possibilities for mission critical communication and industrial IoT applications. However, with this newfound power comes greater risk, as 5G networks will be connected to more mobile endpoints and partners than any previous generation.
As the mobile network threat landscape evolves, it is vital to stay ahead of the curve and be prepared for the potential security implications. To make informed decisions, a solid grasp of the 5G security architecture and features is essential.
Fortunately, this training session will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of 5G security. Don’t let the promise of 5G blind you to the potential pitfalls – join us and be prepared for the future of mobile networks.
This Training will help security professional, managers, security enthusiast, telecom security planning member and telecom professionals to get an understanding of the key concepts of 5G, security, different attacking technique. security threat modeling the implementation of such architectures and the impact in terms of related risks.

This project-based workshop style 5G cybersecurity training will identify several 5G use case (network slices) scenarios and demonstrate for each one how to strengthen the 5G architecture components to mitigate identified risks and meet cybersecurity compliance requirements.

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