C++ Programming For Beginners- From Beginner to Beyond Course

What you’ll learn

  • Learn to program with one of the most powerful programming languages that exists today, C++.
  • Obtain the key concepts of programming that will also apply to other programming languages
  • Learn Modern C++ rather than an obsolete version of C++ that most other courses teach
  • Learn C++ features from basic to more advanced such as inheritance and polymorphic functions
  • Learn C++ using a proven curriculum that covers more material than most C++ university courses
  • Learn C++ from an experienced university full professor who has been using and teaching C++ for more than 25 years
  • Includes Quizzes, Live Coding Exercises, Challenge Coding Exercises and Assignments
  • New Section: Learn to use Visual Studio Code with C++
  • New Section: Learn all about using C++ Lambda Expressions

Why Should We Learn C?

Many later languages have borrowed syntax/features directly or indirectly from the C language. Like syntax of Java, PHP, JavaScript, and many other languages are mainly based on the C language. C++ is nearly a superset of C language (Only a few programs may compile in C, but not in C++).

So,  if a person learns C programming first, it will help him to learn any modern programming language as well. As learning C help to understand a lot of the underlying architecture of the operating system. Like pointers, working with memory locations, etc.

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