Chris Voss Win Workplace Negotiations Course

Chris Voss Win Workplace Negotiations Course

It’s happened to all of us. You find yourself in a situation where you feel bullied, overtaken, or simply played. Maybe it was your boss denying you a raise or a contractor who overpromised and under-delivered. If only you had better negotiation skills you’d be in a much better place than where you are now.

In my experience, I haven’t been the best at negotiating. I’m a people pleaser and am afraid of conflict.

But according to Chris Voss, negotiation isn’t a conflict, it’s a collaboration.

I don’t say this often, but Chris Voss’s negotiation MasterClass is a game changer. Without feeling like a sleazy bully yourself, Voss teaches what successful negotiation looks like. He taps into our human nature and provides you with step-by-step approaches to apply in almost all life or business negotiations.

Packed with mock negotiation case studies and real-life examples, this MasterClass on the Art of Negotiation is worth every penny. In this MasterClass review, I’ll share what I learned, list what’s included in this online course, answer a few common questions, provide my honest opinion, and help you decide if a MasterClass all-access pass is right for you.

I’ve been a MasterClass subscriber for over two years now. I don’t know why I waited so long to take Chris Voss’s MasterClass, and neither should you.

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