Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Course

Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Course Free Download

Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Course Free Download. There in this course you’re going to learn about Python language. This Complete Python BootcampGo from zero to hero in Python 3 course will help you to Learn Python like a Professional. Just download this course for free and start learning.

Overview of the course:

Intro to Python

  • Curriculum Overview
  • Python 2 vs Python 3
  • Course FAQs

Python Setup

  • Command Line Basics
  • Installing Python (Step by Step)
  • Running Python Code
  • Getting the Notebooks and the Course Material
  • Git and Github Overview

Object and Data Structure Basics

  • Python Data Types
  • Numbers
  • Introduction to Strings
  • Indexing and Slicing with Strings
  • String Properties and Methods
  • Lists in Python
  • Dictionaries in Python
  • Tuples with Python
  • Sets in Python
  • Boolean
  • I/O with Basic Files in Python

Comparison Operators

  • Comparison Operators in Python 
  • Chaining Comparison Operators in Python with Logical Operators


  • Loops in Python
  • Useful Operators – p
  • List Comprehensions in Python

Methods and Functions

  • Functions in Python
  • Lambda Expressions, Map and Filter Functions
  • Nested Statements and Scope

Object Oriented Programming

  • Introduction to OOP
  • Attributes and Class Keyword
  • Class Object Attributes and Methods
  • Inheritance

Modules and Packages

  • Pip Install- py
  • Modules and Packages
  • name and “main

Errors and Exceptions Handling

  • Errors and Exception Handling
  • Plinth Overview 
  • Running tests with the Unit test Library 

Advanced Python Objects and Data Structures

  • Python Decorators
  • Generators
  • Advanced Python Modules
  • Python Debugger – pd
  • Advanced Numbers
  • Strings
  • Advanced Sets – AS
  • Dictionaries and Advanced Lists

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