Jason K Williamson – eCom Email Marketing Masterclass:

Ezra Firestone – Advanced Ecommerce Email Marketing Course Download

Jason K Williamson – eCom Email Marketing Masterclass:

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Are you ready to turn email into a huge revenue channel for your brand?

In this in-depth, 6-module course, Ezra shows you step by step how to use his advanced email marketing system to grow your business.

Copy his most profitable campaigns for converting new customers, creating repeat customers, running lucrative sales and more!

Here’s What You Get

Smart Email Marketing is a 6-module training with 45 videos (plus bonuses!), along with clear benchmarks to keep you focused and on track for success.


Understanding Email

Before we start on campaign strategy, let’s begin with a breakdown of how emails actually work: The different types of emails, how to structure a successful email and my top conversion tips. Then, we’ll look in-depth at how to get people on your email list.


Email Automation Flows: Part 1

In this module, we look at automation flows — i.e., the sequences of emails that go out automatically based on user behavior — that I use in my brand, starting with my Post-Purchase Automation Flow. Learn how to copy every email sequence in this automation so you can reduce refunds while increasing engagement, reviews and repeat customers.


Email Automation Flows: Part 2

In Module 3, we continue looking at email automation as I cover the rest of the flows that I send people based on their behavior. I show you in specific detail how to copy my Customer Win-Back Flow, Sales Cycle Abandonment Flow, Cart Abandonment Flow, Welcome Flow, and more.

Get: Ezra Firestone – Smart Email Marketing 2

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