Online Trading Academy | Professional Options Trader Course



Options provide a multi-directional approach to trading the market using direction, time, and volatility to trade for daily, weekly and long-term investment objectives. Market Timing is the ability to identify key market turning points and strong market moves in advance. The Trading Academy Professional Options Trader Course incorporates an eight-step trading/investment rule-based approach that combines market timing techniques with key Options tools and strategies delivered using live market strategy sessions with key interactive lab exercises.Tuition: $7,995

  • Flexibility for Traders/Investors to apply strategies for both longer and shorter-term moves in the underlying markets
  • Buying the option and not the stock itself, Options offer the Trader/Investor the ability to leverage reward while minimizing risk
  • Options are also multi-dimensional allowing a trader/investor to not only take advantage of moves in the underlying asset, but with time decay, and changes in volatility offer traders the opportunity to invest when market prices are going up, down or sideways.
  • Options trading is not time intensive
  • Options can offer investment portfolio protection
  • Options provides the capability to capitalize on bearish moves within an IRA account

To clearly understand, analyze, and properly execute option strategies while incorporating a step-by-step trading/investment rule-based strategy based upon Trading Academy’s proprietary Core Strategy.

  • On Location in a traditional instructor-led, in-person classroom Approx. 7 days
  • Online in a live virtual classroom that is also recorded Approx. 48 hours
  • Online Flex classes that are conducted in the evenings over a three-week period
  • Instructor-Led Weekly Options Practice sessions designed to test the students’ knowledge and provide immediate feedback
  • On-Demand video-based lessons
  • All delivery modes combine lessons with interactive scenarios, labs, and exercises

This course is designed for:

  • This course is designed for students of all experience levels who are serious about learning how to trade and invest Options
  • Students with diverse investment objectives both short-term and long-term
  • Students looking to protect wealth
  • Students lacking flexibility in their Retirement accounts
  • Students who work full time and cannot trade daily

Core Strategy, Online Student Orientation, Option pre-essential videos are recommended pre-requisites for this course. No trading experience is required.


Day 1
  • What is an Option Contract
  • Explore the question, “Why We Trade Options?”
  • Options Foundations – Understanding Options terminology and step-by-step methodology for identifying potential Options trades
  • How Options work in the “Real” World – Utilizing the components of an Option Contract to demonstrate leverage
  • Moneyness: Pricing Options – How Options are priced and the three states of Moneyness
Day 2
  • Directional Debit Single-Leg Applications – Build and time single-leg debit Options trades
  • Directional Long Call Strategy – Introduction to the eight-step process for buying the Directional Long Call Bullish Debit Strategy
  • Volatility – Using volatility analysis to determine Options Strategy for market conditions
  • Trading Academy’s Proprietary Options Volatility Indicator – Measuring stock price expectations
  • The Greeks in depth – A close look at the Options Greeks
  • Analyzing and Calculating the proper rate of return for Long Call Directional Debit Strategy – Strike Selection, Theoretical Strategy Confirmation, and determining the Options Reward-Risk Ratio
  • Sizing Option Positions – Sizing options position based upon your own risk trading rules
  • Bracket Orders – Using bracket orders to properly enter and exit Options trades
Day 3
  • Options Trade Blueprint – The 8-Step Process for every Options trade
  • Directional Long Put Strategy – Introduction to the eight-step process for buying the Directional Long Put Bearish Debit Strategy
  • Analysis Techniques – Analysis Techniques for Options traders to help determine an Option’s Liquidity
  • Multi-Leg Strategies (Spreads) – Utilizing Multi-leg Options Strategies for protection
  • Directional Bull Call Debit Spread – How to buy a Directional Vertical Multi-leg option when the market is bullish using the eight-step process
Day 4
  • Directional Bear Put Debit Spread – How to buy a Directional Vertical Multi-leg option when the market is bearish using the eight-step process
  • Directional Vertical Bear Call Credit Spreads – Selling a Directional Vertical Multi-Leg Option Spread when the market is bearish using the eight-step process
  • Directional Vertical Bull Put Credit Spreads – Selling a Directional Vertical Multi-Leg Option Spread when the market is bullish using the eight-step process
Day 5
  • Directional versus Non-Directional – How to utilize options strategies when the market is trading up, down or sideways
  • Non-Directional Vertical Bear Call Spread – Sell a Vertical multi-leg credit options spread when the market is bearish (between zones) using the eight-step process
  • Non-Directional Vertical Bull Put Spread – Selling a Vertical multi-leg credit option spread when the market is bullish (between zones) using the eight-step process
Day 6
  • Non-Directional Vertical Multi-Leg Option Strategies – Understand how to build and time non-directional Vertical Multi-Leg Option Trades for a Credit when the market is neutral
  • Iron Condor – How to sell a Vertical multi-leg credit option spread when the market is neutral (between the zones) using the eight-step process
  • Options for Owning Securities – Options strategies that can be used when owning Stock securities
  • Covered Calls – Selling Options against the Stock your own to generate higher rates of return
  • Protective Puts – Buying Options to protect or hedge the stock you own
  • BONUS – Buying Long Puts when Volatility
Day 7
  • Introduction to Diagonal Option Spreads – Multi-Leg Debit strategy with different expirations
  • Options Trading Levels – Industry classifications based on account size and trading experience
  • Put it all together – Setting up Options positions using the 8-step Options Blueprint
  • Long Term Options Strategies – Options strategies designed for long-term investment

XLT Options is a program that builds on the trading fundamentals taught in the Professional Options Trader course. In the options XLT students are taught to implement, analyze, manage, and evolve various options strategies by observing an experienced Options Instructor operate in a live market using our step-by-step approach to identifying and assessing trading opportunities.XLT Tuition: $11,495 (Contact your center)Option + XLT Tuition: $18,995


Online in live virtual classroom that is recorded


The XLT sessions are designed for students of all experience levels who are serious about learning how to trade and invest Options.


Before attending the XLT sessions, students must have completed the Professional Options Trader, as well as possess a firm understanding of the functionality of Puts and Calls. A general understanding of technical analysis gained in Core Strategy is required.

  • Market Overview – National News, Economic Calendar, Stocks in the News
  • Scanning for Trade Opportunities – Horizontal Supply and Demand, Regression Trades
  • Position Construction – Entry Points, Exit Points, Target Placement, Volatility Assessment, Time Decay management
  • Position Maintenance – Preparing for Expiration and the New Cycle, Position Selection, Events Positioning, Position Evolution, Rolling/Closing, Risk Maintenance
  • Continued Education – Option Theory – Directional and Non-directional Trading, Trade Setup and Review

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