Paige Brunton – Square Secrets Business Bundle Course

Paige Brunton - Square Secrets Business Bundle Course

Paige Brunton – Square Secrets Business Bundle Course

Following are the projects included as part of this Business Analyst Certificate Program:

Project 1: Sales Performance Analysis

Description: Build a dashboard to present monthly sales performance by product segment and product category to identify the areas that have met or exceeded their sales targets.

Project 2: Customer Analysis

Description: Build a dashboard that presents statistics about the customers, ranking of them by profit ratio and sales plus the profit performance by region.

Project 3: Product Analysis

Description: Build a dashboard that presents sales by product category over time, with the ability to drill down to the product and regional level to check if the products are correctly priced.

Project 4: Sales Dashboard

Description: Build a dashboard that presents metrics about products (like sales, profits, profit ratio) and the trends of statistics over time, filtering down to one or more geographic regions.

Who should take this online Business Analyst Certification Course?

Business Analyst is a solid career choice for both new and experienced professionals. Aspiring professionals of any educational background with an analytical frame of mind are best suited to pursue the Business Analyst Training, including:

  • Aspiring business analysts, including recent college graduates and those looking to make a career change
  • New business analysts wanting to improve their craft
  • Other positions that are performing business analysis duties such as administrators, managers, and project leads
  • IT professionals
  • Project managers
  • Banking and finance professionals
  • Marketing managers
  • Sales professionals
  • Supply chain network managers
  • Beginners in the data analytics domain

Business Analysts requires a range of basic to intermediary abilities to pursue a course. Skills like analytical problem-solving, efficient communication, innovative thinking, and industry expertise help a learner better understand and apply the course to real-life scenarios. This Business Analyst course enables students to get accustomed to new tools for data mining, visualization, and reporting.

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