Sektor7 Malware Development Intermediate Course

 Sektor7 Malware Development Intermediate Course

This course builds on what you have learned so far by extending your development capabilities with:

  • playing with Process Environment Blocks and implementing our own function address resolution
  • more advanced code injection techniques
  • understanding how reflective binaries work and building custom reflective DLLs, either with source or binary only
  • in-memory hooking, capturing execution flow to block, monitor or evade functions of interest
  • grasping 32- and 64-bit processing and performing migrations between x86 and x64 processes
  • discussing inter process communication and how to control execution of multiple payloads

The course ends with a combined project, where you will create a custom dropper implementing discussed techniques.

You will receive a virtual machine with complete environment for developing and testing your software, and a set of source code templates which will allow you to focus on understanding the essential mechanisms instead of less important technical aspects of implementation.

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