Tony Hill – Fatstacks Content Renaissance Course

Tony Hill - Fatstacks Content Renaissance Course

 At the end of last year, my traffic took a nosedive. I lost a stomach-churning 60% of my income. We are talking 80k per month to 30k per month. Ouch.

As if it wasn’t bad enough, the mental toll was terrible. Everyday after waking up my emotions were all over the place, emotions that you might be sharing right now…

PANICK: “I can’t believe the traffic on my site is going down”
ANGER: “I’ve put so much effort into this”
FRUSTRATION: “I was doing things right” 
ANXIETY: “What if this was the end?”

I was getting beat down daily by Google and my own brain. The only thing keeping me sane was my mindset of “You only lose if you let setbacks defeat you” So I pulled up my sleeves to get my traffic back.  

Turns out I wasn’t the only one hit by an update. Many were in the same situation, including one of my forum members, Tony Hill. Google gave him a 50% haircut even though he had a large site. Since we were on the same boat he started sharing his turnaround method with me and we became fast friends.

As they say, it’s always darkest before dawn. Because the results of his methods were stunning: Not only did we rebounded our traffic, we actually broke record traffic and income levels.

Turns out, this wasn’t Tony’s first rodeo. He’s been around since 2005 and overcame 4 major algorithm updates and came out stronger every time. Since he helped me and already helped many other struggling niche site owners, I asked him if he would teach his breakthrough traffic and revenue recovery method to others and I am happy to report that he said yes!

Here’s what this is all about…

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