Mike Mancini – Ads Agency Unlocked Course

Mindset & Tracking

This is more important than most people realize. If you don’t have the right MINDSET going into starting your own digital marketing agency, you won’t succeed.

You also need to know how to track everything (leads, calls, communication, etc,) otherwise you won’t know what’s working and what’s not. I show you exactly how I do it in my digital agency.

Module #2

Setting Up Your Agency

Setting up your brand new digital marketing agency is fairly straight forward, simple and quick.

But I share with you tips, tricks and things that I’ve learned along the way to help you to avoid the pitfalls and get off to a blazing start in your new business.

Setting Up Your Digital Marketing Agency
Getting Clients for Your Digital Agency

Module #3

The Client Module

You don’t have a new digital agency without clients. In this module, I show you EVERYTHING I’ve ever done to get new clients.

Old tactics, new tactics and I’m constantly testing new methods in client acquisition and sharing EVERYTHING with you.

What works, what doesn’t, my results, etc. If you don’t have clients, you don’t have a digital agency.

Module #4

The Tools

Yes, there are tools that I use in my agency, however, you don’t need those tools until you have clients. Make sense?

Once you have those clients, then you can use some of those funds to purchase/use those tools.

I show you how to build your business with what you have and THEN how to use the right tools. And yes, I show you step-by-step how to use the tools I use in my digital agency.

Digital Marketing Tools
Landing Page Setup
Module #5
Landing Page Setup

In this module I show you the importance of having landing pages vs. sending people to a separate website.

Every GOOD agency uses this tactic. Then I show you how to build them out quickly and easily using templates I provide for you.

This is a huge time saver and your clients will thank you when you bring them WAY more leads than they are getting with their own websites.

Module #6

Call Tracking

If you’re not measuring calls from your efforts, you’re losing out on more than half of your leads. Yep… if you’re not measuring/tracking… you’re campaign is dying.

I show you how to measure calls for your clients because if you’re not measuring… you’re not going to succeed.

These calls go directly to your clients and you take all of the credit.

Call Tracking Setup
Conversion Tracking

Module #7

Conversion Tracking

This ties into the Call Tracking module as we give potential leads the choice to call your clients or fill out a form (yes… more people than you think will actually fill out forms).

In fact, in some instances, it’s 50% (or more) of the leads that come in.

I show you how to set up your conversion tracking so that you’re making sure you’re getting credit for all those leads you’ll be getting your clients. 

Module #8
Google Ads Training

Here’s where I show you how to set up a Google campaign from scratch.

I show you how to build a Google Ads campaign with the custom tools I’ve built in my own agency over the last 9 years. These tools will help you build out ENTIRE campaigns in a couple of hours vs. days using the Google Ads interface.

These tools are the number one time saving tools that I use in my business. I also show you how to build out a campaign CORRECTLY from the start.

Google Ads Training
Client Managment

Module #9

Client Management / Outsourcing

In this module I show you step-by-step how I manage my clients every day.

What to do if you think you might lose a client. How to keep clients coming back to you for YEARS (over 60% of my clients have been with me for 4 years OR LONGER).

I also show you how to outsource your business to contractors / virtual assistants so that you can have the agency you have always wanted. And it’s easier than you think.

Module #10

Scaling – The Day to Day

In this module I show you how you can scale your new digital marketing agency to become as big as you want it to (there is no limit).

I also walk through my day-to-day in running my agency. Where I spend my time and where I outsource it.

This is where I show you how I run my ENTIRE digital agency in 90-minutes/day (and no… I’m not kidding). This is EXACTLY how my agency runs to this day.

Scaling Your Digital Agency

Module #11


Here’s where I show you how to optimize your campaigns. How to figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it.

I show you the exact steps I take and what I do (and what I outsource).

It’s not as complicated as you think and will save you a ton of time and help keep your clients coming back.


Free Coaching Call with Mike

That’s correct! You’ll get a FREE 30-minute coaching call with Mike Mancini to discuss whatever you would like. 

How to best get started, how to grow your agency, or even ask him questions about how he runs his agency. 

Find out from Mike himself just how HE would handle your situation and the fastest way to get results. This call will be recorded and sent to you upon completion of the call. 

SaaS Training
SaaS Training


Templates, Checklists & Worksheets

When you always know what needs to be done, you get things done MUCH quicker and when it needs to be done.

These templates and worksheets are custom built by our agency and what we use EVERY day to cut our workload by more than 50%.

With these checklists, you’ll also know what you have finished and how long it should take you.

These help us stay on track in OUR agency and these checklists will help keep YOU on track!


The AAU Community

You also get access to our “Ads Agency Unlocked” Community. This is a group of our PAID course agency owners who are putting our training into action.

Connect with other owners, ask questions and get answers. Mike also chimes in here on a daily basis to answer questions and offer his guidance.

This is NOT a Facebookâ„¢ group. It’s SO MUCH MORE!

The AAU Community
SaaS Training


“Email Excellence”

When starting an agency… we all need leads / customers. But how do you get those customers? Cold calling? Networking? YouTube?

In our training, we teach you EVERY way we have ever used (including cold calling, networking, YouTube, and more)… but  we’ve also added new ones as well… that are game changing. One of those new tactics is called “Email Excellence”. 

This elaborate email training is one of the best we’ve ever used (or seen). This training is worth 10x the cost and if you simply get just ONE client using this tactic, you’ll have more than paid for this course. 

This training will help you fill up your calendar with booked calls of potential clients wanting to know more about your services. 


The SaaS Agency Module

This is where I show you additional services that you can sell in your digital marketing agency to your customers.

You can use these services to get clients coming in the door and then upsell them to Google Ads or you can use this as a standalone portion of your business.

It’s up to you and it’s a free bonus that I’ve thrown in with more than 18 videos.

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