Tech Master – Ethical Hacking Course By Technical Sagar

Tech Master - Ethical Hacking Course By Technical Sagar

Tech Master – Ethical Hacking Course By Technical Sagar

In this video, I will talk about hacking and to be specific “Website hacking that is performed in govt websites. You must have heard much news that hackers are targetting and successfully hacking big government websites. Why it is very easy to hack those websites? Well, these websites are usually built by contractors and people who do not have enough knowledge of the latest web development technologies. They use the same templates for all websites. Old templates created many years back. So they are not secure and have many vulnerabilities. Even a script kiddie can use a few scripts and hack these websites in no time. So the government should hire good developers or assign new coders to fix this problem. They should focus on the latest technologies and cms. Websites that are not vulnerable to basic attacks can be a good start.

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